Friday, May 13, 2011

Rating Red Headed Woman

      Last week in my Cinema class, I was placed in a group that was assigned to come up with our own Rating system. We were then asked to rate a film that was watched in class based on our own system. In this blog I thought I’d rate another movie based on the ratings we’ve come up with, but I’ll begin by explaining what the different rating categories are.
Our Rating system is modeled as a suggested advisory to the audience rather than implementing restrictions. Its main concepts are not to discriminate age groups, which will give film makers the freedom to create movies without restrictions that can potentially discourage talent and creativity. The focus is mainly on the content of the movie, and the freedom of watching movies. It’s the responsibility of the audience and parents to monitor their children.
            We have created three rating systems:
1.      Family rated (F): Movies that have a family rating are intended and are appropriate for all audiences. An advisory for this kind of movie would be, very minimal violence (effects of violence are not depicted in explicit ways), and suggestive language. What you can expect to not see in a family rated movie would be anything pertaining to: sex, drugs, alcohol, blood, smoking, and explicit violence.

2.      Moderate Rated (MO): A movie that is rated as Moderate is acceptable for all audiences with parental advisory SUGGESTED for viewers under 12. The movie will contain moderate levels of physical violence and may contain: sex (no nudity), blood (no gore), murder, drugs, alcohol, and the use of profane language are acceptable in these films.

3.      Mature Rated (M): A movie that is rated mature contains explicit sex and violence. Parental guidance is highly advised for audiences under the age of 18, however it is the responsibility of the audience to be cautious of a mature rated movies. A mature rated movie will contain a high level of violence that may contain the following: sex (nudity), blood (gore), murder, illegal drug and alcohol use, and profane language.

The film Red Headed Women is about a gold digging seductress named Lillian (Red) who falls in love with one of her fellow business employees named Bill. Despite the fact that he is married, Red continuously tries to seduce him in anyway that she can. Bill unable to resist eventually gives in and when Bill’s wife Irene discovers that he has been unfaithful she divorces him. After the divorce Bill and Red get married, but little does he know that he’s not the only man in Red’s life. In fact, she has two other men that she is secretly seeing behind his back. When Bill gets suspicious of Red’s odd behavior he hires a private investigator to find out whether she has been cheating on him. When he discovers the truth he immediately divorces Red and starts to realize that he made a huge mistake with Irene. The story ends happily with Bill and Irene getting back together.

Based on the rating system I’ve constructed with my group. I would rate the film Red Headed Women as Moderate. Although no nudity is displayed in the film, there was a lot of references to sex/sexuality. None of which would be appropriate for a Family Rated movie.  The content/plot of the film is targeted to a more mature audience (Teenagers included). The film also contains some violence at the end of the film. When Bill discovers that Red has been unfaithful he decides to leave her. Red unable to control herself shoots Bill out of anger(no blood).There is also one other scene where Bill  gets angry at Red for causing his divorce and hits her out of frustration.
The examples given all demonstrate why  it is rated as Moderate. Although the film contains mature material it doesn't contain anything that would  be strongly inappropriate for teenagers or pre-teens. 

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